
The Rebirth of The Soul: EIGHT-DAY CUSCO-PERÚ Experiential Tour

03-01-2025 - 03-08-2025
The Rebirth of The Soul: EIGHT-DAY CUSCO-PERÚ Experiential Tour
***Reserve your spot with $500***
THE REBIRTH OF THE SOUL (Last date for registration: January 18th)
It is time again for our transformational journey in Cusco - Perú.
During this eight-day tour, you will not only visit sacred archaeological sites in and around Cusco, but you will also have the opportunity to immerse yourself in its culture. In addition, you will experience the transformation of your soul's energy in the process we call 'The Rebirth of The Soul' through mystical ceremonies, regressions and meditation in different energetic places.
Alba and Blair will not be able to join us this time, but you can watch a video of our previous tour in 2020 using this link: Video
This is not just a tour; this is an experiential journey with like-minded people, with activities that will allow you to raise your vibrations and reconnect with your soul.
To get the full itinerary, please click on details.

LIVE - Seven-Day Introspective Hypnosis Course / Retreat - Marriottsville, MD - Alba Weinman & Antonio Sangio MAY 2023

05-04-2025 4:30 pm - 05-10-2025 5:00 pm
LIVE - Seven-Day Introspective Hypnosis Course / Retreat - Marriottsville, MD -  Alba Weinman & Antonio Sangio MAY 2023
*** SEVEN-DAY COURSE / RETREAT *** with Alba WeinmanAntonio Sangio in Marriottsville, MD
*** Register with a $500 partial deposit *** 
Early Bird Special : 100$ discount if you register before DEC 31
***Includes accommodations and meals*** (single accommodations only)
If you’ve been considering learning hypnosis or learning new techniques to add to your existing hypnosis practice, come join us for 7 days and 6 nights at  Bon Secours Retreat & Conference Center located just minutes away from Baltimore and Washington DC
Class: MAY 29 - JUN 4  (full attendance is mandatory)
From  MAY 29 at 3pm  to JUN 4 at 5pm
Evening activities:  To be announced during the week
This is not the usual Introspective Hypnosis course. During these seven days you will not only learn techniques and have the opportunity to practice them, but you will watch live hypnosis sessions with volunteers, facilitated by  Antonio Sangio, as well as participate in group regressions and meditations after dinner.
Click on "details" for more information, refund policy and recommendations
***Please check your spam folder if you don't receive an email after registering***

LIVE - Six-Day Introspective Hypnosis Course / Retreat - in The Netherlands - Alba Weinman & Antonio Sangio OCT 2023

06-01-2025 9:00 am - 06-06-2025 5:00 pm
LIVE - Six-Day Introspective Hypnosis Course / Retreat - in The Netherlands -  Alba Weinman & Antonio Sangio OCT 2023
*** SIX-DAY COURSE / RETREAT *** with Alba WeinmanAntonio Sangio in The Netherlands
*** Register with a $500 partial deposit ***
Early Bird Special : 200$ discount if you register before FEB 28 2023
***Includes accommodations and meals***
Single room $2750 USD, shared room $2650 USD
If you’ve been considering learning hypnosis or learning new techniques to add to your existing hypnosis practice, come join us for 6 days and 5 nights at  Samaya Conferentiecentrum, Werkhoven - Netherlands
Class: OCT 15 - 9  (full attendance is mandatory)
From  OCT 15 at 9 am to OCT 20 at 5pm
Evening activities:  To be announced during the week
This is not the usual Introspective Hypnosis course. During these six days you will not only learn techniques and have the opportunity to practice them, but you will watch live hypnosis sessions with volunteers, facilitated by  Antonio Sangio and Alba Weinman, as well as participate in group regressions and meditations after dinner.
Click on "details" for more information, refund policy and recommendations
***Please check your spam folder if you don't receive an email after registering***

LIVE-ONLINE Past Life Therapy Course (TVP) - MODULES 1 & 2

07-12-2025 9:30 am - 07-17-2025 5:00 pm
LIVE-ONLINE Past Life Therapy Course (TVP) - MODULES 1 & 2
*** Only for experienced hypnosis practitioners ***
$250 discount for Introspective Hypnosis practitioners
Register with a $1000 deposit.
MODULE 1JAN 22 - 27 -  6 days - 48 Hrs.
MODULE 2APR 23 - 27 - 5 days - 40 Hrs.
Past Life Therapy, Dr. José Luis Cabouli's technique (TVP)  is a transpersonal technique that consists of bringing to the consciousness the hidden traumatic experiences of this life and of previous existences from the shadows of the subconscious are affecting our current life, in order to work on them therapeutically.
***Please check your spam folder if you don't receive an email after registering***

Six-Day LIVE-ONLINE Introspective Hypnosis Course with Antonio Sangio DEC

07-22-2025 10:00 am - 07-27-2025 6:00 am
Six-Day LIVE-ONLINE Introspective Hypnosis Course with Antonio Sangio DEC
Event is in eastern standard time
Live-Online SIX-DAY  Introspective Hypnosis course Antonio Sangio
Class will be in eastern time.
 48 hours plus an additional day (4 hours) for more practice sessions
Refund Policy: All sales are final. Read "Terms and Conditions" for more information.
***Please check your spam folder if you don't receive an email after registering***

ESPAÑOL: Taller de 4 días - El alma atrapada - Dr. José Luis Cabouli - USA SEP 2025

09-23-2025 3:00 pm - 09-26-2025 5:00 pm
ESPAÑOL: Taller de 4 días - El alma atrapada - Dr. José Luis Cabouli - USA  SEP 2025
Taller de 4 días: Experiencia en vivo con la Terapia de vidas pasadas del Dr. Cabouli
SEP 23-26, 2025
Regístrate con un depósito parcial de $500
*** Incluye comidas, alojamiento y pausas para el café ***

Únase a nosotros en este taller experiencial con el Dr. Cabouli, quien introdujo el concepto de atrapamiento del alma en la regresión a vidas pasadas. Durante estos cuatro días, compartirá sus conocimientos sobre diferentes temas como el atrapamiento del alma, el atrapamiento en el útero, la energía femenina herida, las almas perdidas y mucho más. Después de la presentación de cada día, el Dr. Cabouli facilitará sesiones con voluntarios entre los asistentes. Será una gran experiencia.

*** Haga clic en los detalles para ver las instrucciones de pago ***
© 2025, Antonio Sangio

Contact Info

+1 (704) 904-4133     info@antoniosangio.com
