Introspective Hypnosisand Past Life TherapyPractitioners

The directory lists those who have taken the Introspective Hypnosis course and requested to be listed. Practitioners have different levels of experience some might still be offering practice sessions. Here is what you should keep in mind before you contact a practitioner:
• Introspective Hypnosis is a method that combines hypnosis with dynamics of forgiveness and spirituality to achieve changes in behavior and relief in the patient. It is used as a tool to help our clients with their phobias, fears, sadness, anguish, anorexia, bulimia, low self-esteem, insecurity, complexes, migraine, obesity, obsessions, allergies and addictions, etc.
• Introspective Hypnosis is not based on Past Life Regression; past lives are the result of working with the symptoms the client brings to the session.
• Introspective Hypnosis is not based on questions to the Higher Self. It focuses on working with the soul in the search for answers and origin of the symptoms.
• Each practitioner has a different style and may practice other techniques, but this should not affect the structure of the session. As we work on symptoms, we start navigating sad memories, then look for the root cause which might be in this life or a previous one, and if that is the case, then we navigate that life for understanding.
• Introspective Hypnosis also helps spirits that might be attached to our client’s energy field causing symptoms.
• No other techniques or alternative modalities are needed prior or after an Introspective Hypnosis session.
• An Introspective Hypnosis session could last from 2 to 3 hours.
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¿Sientes la llamado a ayudar a otros en su evolución espiritual? Introspective Hypnosis ayuda a las personas a viajar en busca del origen de cualquier síntoma psicosomático, como el dolor, la tristeza, la depresión, los miedos, las fobias, los problemas de relación, las adicciones, los patrones negativos, etc. Ofrecemos cursos online y presenciales de seis días para enseñarte la hipnosis desde lo más básico.

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Ayude a otros a encontrar el origen de sus síntomas físicos, emocionales y mentales que no tienen explicación aparente, ayudándoles a terminar con su atrapamiento y fragmentación del alma. Ofrecemos cursos online y presenciales estructurados en dos módulos de dix días cada uno.

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© 2024, Antonio Sangio

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+1 (704) 904-4133
